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What if the food you consume took away the freedom of your social life?

Food prison is an experimental project that addresses on the issue of “overconsumption of unhealthy food”. We seek to change the mindset of the youth with regard to this issue as it will not only affect their social life but also not being able to live their life to its fullest potential.

Food Prison

We started off the project with ideations and sketches. Similar to any other works, it is never smooth. In fact we began our ideations through pinterest images with the keyword "art installation". From there, we started to search for different images, linking one to another.

Afterwards we began with several experimentations and mockups. Being aware of how long it will take for a professional mock up to be done, we went with a more convenient and faster way to visualise how it will be in real life. 

"Youths enjoy spending most of their time with their friends and living their life to the fullest."


The other 3 cages consist of videos of the same theme: overconsumption of unhealthy food. The gamer, the heartbroken, and the workaholic. 

What if the food you consume took away the freedom of your social life?

Total there are 4 cages, the bottommost is filled with keys of freedom (Set Them Free). It is an interaction, a contribution from the visitors to decide whether to set the habit of over consumption of unhealthy food free or not.

Hand-painted rust. We began with a layer of sealer followed by mixture of black and white paint to get a silvery gray. Then a sponge is then used to dab the paint on the cage. The last layer is the dry brush of brown acrylic paint. And voila! a rusty cage. 

The Videos


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